Seventeen Thousand Hours

I had a very heartfelt conversation with a dear friend this evening. My friend had a very close call with disaster and walked away relatively unhurt. This left her questioning why she had been spared, and what should she be doing with her time. Earlier in the evening I had the privilege of entertaining two amazing people who had waged war on their cancer and emerged victorious and full of hope for their future. These conversations have me thinking …

If you had two years to spend on a dream, what would you spend it on?

What happens when you are good at a lot of things, but not great at one specific thing? What do you do?

It’s a common question. Maybe the universe is telling you there isn’t one thing you are supposed to do. Maybe you feel there are so many options you aren’t even sure where to begin.

Guess what? It’s okay to not know. It’s okay to have questions, to wrestle with your potential.

Do not believe the lie that says you are incapable of being excellent at something. Do not believe that you will never know what you were made to do.

”Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” ~ Proverbs 13:12

Whether your heart leads you to poetry, performing street magic in San Diego or adopting a child from Zambia, you should actively participate in your passions. Those desires are there for a reason. You can do more than dream and sigh.

Your longing to do what you were made to do, when fulfilled, will produce abundant fruit.

Remove the false idea that dreams only relate to future events. The road to your dream begins today, right here where you are. The journey is now. Not tomorrow, not someday. Right here, right now.

So you have a choice.

You can keep dreaming, wishing, and wondering. Or you can begin to live the dream, to travel the road, to make something extraordinary out of today.

Make a Choice

If you feel overwhelmed by options, pick something. Try a dream out. If it brings you and others life and there is fruit, then God is in it.

Make a list today. Write down the things that make you feel completely alive. Don’t worry about consequences or business model. Just dream. And it’s okay if the answer is long with multiple items on the list.

When you have your list, the real work begins. Seventeen Thousand Hours … just about two years. Give it your heart, give it your passion. Be happy about your choice no matter what negative responses you get. They are not you. Happiness breeds success.

In just that short amount of time you can change your world … in fact, you can change the entire world.

Get your feet in motion, and don’t stop there. Your mountain is waiting.

3 thoughts on “Seventeen Thousand Hours

  1. So many times we get hung up on the what-if’s, the future, I’ll do it later, what will people think of me, etc. I know people have always thought I was a bit odd (OK, they are right!) because I’m always doing and trying different things and following my heart. It’s led me to many awesome people, experiences, etc. that I would have never had if I had not followed my heart. Just imagine what would happen to our world if everyone followed their heart and they were happy! 🙂

  2. 1) Performing. Putting out the ideas and feelings that started in my head, seeing them come alive in the faces of the audience.
    2) Dawn Hannibal. Waking up next to her, making her laugh … just having her near makes me a better person. Call it cliche’, but she is my muse. We are two complete people, and we inspire each other.
    3) Writing. My Grandpa Jack called the creative process “Putting paint where it ain’t.”
    4) The children. Watching them grow and discover the world invigorates me. Here’s something I did right.

    Breathing …

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